About us


We’re a food enthusiasts collective from all walks of life, who have been cooking and eating for as long as we can remember. From the moment we’re born, our parents are teaching us about food – what to eat, how to prepare it and how to enjoy it. However, this is more than just a one-way street: the older we get ourselves, the more we learn about our ancestral legacy on our palate. Even if you’ve never learned a thing about Indian cuisine growing up in America, odds are that your grandmother’s recipe will be first on your list when you come home from college.

It’s because of this that we’ll never stop learning about food. As a matter of fact, we’ve decided to share our passion with all of you in hopes that you’ll take something away from the articles we create. Perhaps it will be a new recipe, or maybe it will be an interesting nugget about the history of food or its culture. Either way, we’re just happy to share our love for food with all of you!